Hokyuann's Miso Party in 8th, March, 2020
邦久庵仕込みの雛まつりお味噌会2020 レポート
Report of Hokyuann Miso Making at Hina Doll Festival (2020)
今回は倶楽部と提携して保存活動を行なっているSLOW LIFE JAPANから、管理人のTodd夫妻&可愛い娘さん(写真のモデルとして大人気!)、またチェコ&スペインからからきているボランティアメンバーも参加してくださって、深い深い日本文化に触れてもらうことができました。熱心にメモを取り、御膳の中で頂いた甘酒を、早速明日つくってみるそうです。「普通の場所ではできない日本の体験をさせてもらえて本当に幸運でした」と。大村湾のほとりの土に還る茅葺き屋根の庵は、世界ともつながる場所だと再確認することができました。邦久庵倶楽部とSLOW LIFE JAPANがコラボレーションすることで、こうした体験を提供・発信していけることに、心からワクワクしています。
立派な7段の雛飾りを設えてくださったり、広間でお茶会を開催してくださったり、SLOW LIFE JAPANのメンバーに地域の作物についてアドバイスくださったり、通訳で説明をサポートしてくださったり、相変わらず全てのメンバーのおかげで、邦久庵が支えられています。本当に感謝です。
On March 3rd, 2020, "Hokyuann Miso Making at Hina Doll Festival" was held. Many events in Japan recently have been canceled due to coronavirus. However, our mission is to use the house regularly by bringing fresh air to the house, steppping on the tatami and making smoke at irori fireplace. Our sense of obligation won and hosted the event as planned. 25 people showed up to the event and had a wonderful time with the great weather.
The miso left in the barrel was from an event last September. It was fully matured and turned to be rich miso. Guests wrapped 500g of miso with a paper bag with a sticker of Hokyuann's logo on it. Each guest received miso as own souvenir but many people purchased extra. Hokyuann miso has broth in it and that makes it so popular. New miso is added to the previously made every time. Takekuni Ikeda's fungus is also passed down. We hope Hokyuann's miso with Mr. Ikeda's fungus in it helps spread Japan's food culture, which enjoy time, and the culture of fermented food.
Volunteers from Hokyuann Club prepared Hina Doll special lunch. It was served with "Japanese Butterbur Sprout with Hokyuann Miso" and steamed egg hotchpotch with "okinawan spinach" freshly collected in the backyard of Hokyuann. The menu was originated here at Hokyuann. It was very delicious and precious.
In the afternoon, a miso making workshop was held. We tried making "awasemiso," or mixed miso of wheat malt and rice malt. Break malt into tiny pieces and mix it with salt, soy beans and hot water. Add kelp at the end. This is how Hokyuann miso is made. The barrel will be opened in July or September. You all are welcomed to join.
A house tour proceeded the miso making workshop. The great weather made the back beach with rock embankment very pleasant. We prayed for Ebisu-sama, or god of ocean, of course. Wood of bongossi kept in the attic surprised guests with its heaviness. Everyone could not help laughing. If you haven't held it, please try on your next visit.
People from SLOW LIFE JAPAN were warmly welcomed: Director Todd and his adorable daughter, who was very popular to be taken pictures, and volunteers from Czech Republic and Spain. They deeply experienced Japanese culture. One of them diligently took notes and said to try making amazake the following day. "Irreplaceable experience of Japanese culture," he said. A thatch roofed house by Omura Bay, which could eventually return to the earth, is a place to get connected to the world. We are very excited that joint of Hokyuann Club and SLOW LIFE JAPAN let us share and deliver such exceptional experience.
Many thanks to the members of Hokyuann Club who displayed Hina Dolls on seven steps, held a tea party in the living room, gave advice of local crop to staff from SLOW LIFE JAPAN, and translated during the event. Hokyuann is supported by them. Truly grateful.