"Hatsuka Ebisu Festival" in 19th, January, 2020
【2020.1.19 邦久庵ハツカエビス 開催レポート】
この日は、提携するSLOW LIFE JAPANのスタッフとして邦久庵近くに移住してくる予定のTodd夫妻が終日参加してくれました。これから一緒に頑張っていく仲間になります。お子様も一緒に色々な日本文化に触れてもらうことができましたし、彼らをおもてなしすることが少しはできたように思います。また英語を話せる方も今日たまたま複数いらっしゃって、とてもいい交流ができたと感じます。これからさらに国際色も豊かになっていきそうな邦久庵。次は3月にお味噌作りを予定していますので、詳細決まり次第ご案内いたします。2020年も、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
Hokyuann's first activity report of 2020 is about an annual event, Hatsukaebisu. Attendees were 27 people including 23 adults and 4 children. Thank you for those who joined us. We hope you enjoyed our programs.
Hokyuann is located at the end of a cape, Biwanokubi. Ebisu, one of Seven Lucky Gods, enshrined beside the house. Mr. Ikeda wants every one of Hokyuann visitors to pray to Ebisu during their visit. Ikeda says, "Hokyuann shouldn't have been built on such a sacred place. I cannot appreciate enogh the kindness of the locals." Hokyuann Club resurrected a local custom about Ebisu; we had red headbands on our heads and prayed for rich hauls and safety from the ocean. We offered sacred sake to his mouth.
With great help of the locals, rice-cake pounding was more successful than that of last year. They brought their own furnaces, firewood, grindstone and pestles in the early morning. The front garden turned to be a nice public space. Children were shy at first but they carried heavy pestles and joined rice-cake pounding at the end. We enjoyed making our own rice cake with zenzai (putting it into red bean soup), hanabira mochl, or petal rice cake (wrapping burdock root, bamboo shoot and miso with it.)
In addition, celebratory lunch, prepared by volunteers, was speechless as always. It was decorated with wild herb, nandin, picked around Hokyuann and looks colorful. One of the volunteers explained why it is often used for new year's decoration and how it benefits our body.
Many programs proceeded in the afternoon. A staff member of Hokyuann Club guided the house and the surroundings. One of the participants has worked at Huis Ten Bosch. Our talk covered not only Hokyuann and Huis Ten Bosch but also Holand Village and Bio Park all of which were deeply related to Mr. Ikeda. Then we had a workshop of making an amulet, hanging pepper. Seven peppers were woven with four strings of rice straw. Most of them had never worked on straw goods and some of works were bent and others were twisted. None of them looked the same and all were original. Those were highly appreciated who had prepared and practiced beforehand to make the workshop successful.
The last event was a brief tea ceremony held by a volunteer who is familiar with Foundation of Fu-shin-an. Three people joined the ceremony at once. Petal rice cake prepared in the morning, was also served. Tensioned but tranquil time had passed. Tea ceremony was Mrs. Ikeda's hobby. We, therefore, want to continue having tea ceremony.
Todd and his family also attended the event for a whole day. He is from SLOW LIFE JAPAN, who cooperates with Hokyuann Club, and is moving near Hokyuann. We are very happy to welcome him and look forward to working with him. His child got to experience various Japanese traditions. We hope they were happy with our service. Fortunately some participants spoke English so Hokyuann will be more international than ever before. The next event is miso making. The details will be announced soon. We are looking forward to your attendance and hope to have a great year of 2020 with you.